Tuesday, October 9

The things people throw away.

On my way home from watching Barca V R Madrid, by the way I only saw the second half as I got the times wrong and arrived an hour later for kick-off. It did seem strange at the time I remember.

‘Wow!’ I thought as I walked in, there’s still 15 minutes to go before kick-off and the place is packed and not a seat to be had. I didn’t realise they were so keen on the Spanish football.

Then the commentator came over the speakers

“And now back for the second half of this enthralling El Classico and with the score at Barcelona 1 – 1 Real Madrid, its anybody’s game”

“Half-time!” I exclaimed “Doh!”

Rival fans seperation policy wasnt working well.

 As I said on my way home I saw that someone had thrown away some potted plants. I did the normal thing look at them and walk past then about 20yards further on I stopped and the old OCD kicked in and I just had to go back and pick them up. 

This goes well with the coffee table I picked up from the side of the road that someone had chucked away the night before. Perfectly all right except the glass is missing from the top but apart from that it’s alright and free.

"Look! I've got a torch AND a picture frame"...."Yeah and this camera works too"

The French are at times a little sullen, not least the day before yesterday when I went into the local supermarket, Intermarche. I joined the queue to pay and I noticed the young checkout girl was wearing a big round badge adorned with stars and emblazoned on it were the words

“Ce Moi Anniversaire”

With her name below it, Melanie…

There were three people ahead of me and not one of them said happy birthday to her. Typical French I thought poor girls is working on her birthday and the least anyone can do is say happy birthday.

Well, I thought when it’s my turn to pay, Melanie is going to get a big happy birthday from me and I will teach these miserable gits a thing or two.

She checked through all my items

“€5.46” she said with a rather sad face. Not surprising really considering

“Happy Birthday Melanie” I boomed and looked around at the others behind me in the queue with a nod and as if to say cheer up miserable lot and do the right thing.

“Oh yes thanks” She replied in what can only be said as a miserable huh type way.

Well I was expecting a broad smile at least. Well I can only put it down to the fact that she was so pissed off with working and all the miserable gits not saying happy birthday. 

Poor Melanie I thought.

This morning I needed some milk so back down to Intermarche, how handy is that having a supermarket on your own doorstep I thought.

As I went to pay there was a different girl on the checkout and what a coincidence it was her birthday today as indicated by her big star encrusted badge.

“Happy Birthday to you” I said with a cheery grin pointing at her badge.

“It’s not my birthday” she said

“It’s the supermarkets birthday”

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