Monday, October 8

After a week in the new place I think there is a dead pigeon/rat/Frenchman somewhere in the bathroom.

The bathroom stinks I dare not peek behind the false wall as god only knows what might be lurking in there.

I decided to tape up the stinky hole around the base of the toilet et voila. The smell has gone.

I am lucky that just around the corner is an Intermarche and I went in to pick up the necessaries wine, beer, cheese etc…

Falling out of bed is not an option

As I wandered through the aisles, over the tannoy came the customary offers that you hear in the supermarkets these days, however this was different.

I couldn’t make out a lot of what the guy was saying but it was more like a game show than info on the latest price of carrots.

As I rounded the corner there in front of me there was a middle-aged, suntanned guy wearing a shiny grey suit and a tie.  It was what you might see being worn by Bruce Forsyth on lets go come dancing or whatever he’s doing now. Game show man was holding a cordless mike wandering around the store chatting into his mike as he went from aisle to aisle. It was a classic….

“Good evening and welcome to the store, and in tonight’s show we have Onions at €.35 a Kilo, Frozen pizzas at €1.99 and everyone’s favourite Blue Bresse at a an unbelievable €3 per pack”

He was walking around the store and smiling at everyone I thought he was going to stop me and interview me. What was I going to say? “Oui”

He was brilliant and it’s worth going back just for the show.

"Table for two sir"

I popped into the Language School and went down to the internet room and there was a Nun down there.

“Bonjour” I said

“Bonjour” came the reply

After the usual interplay of pleasantries she asked

“Are you working here?”

I replied with my stock answer “No I’m on a sabbatical” it covers a multitude of questions and explanations

“Oh…she said you are priest”

I almost spat my scolding hot coffee over her. Not because I am the Devil but just because I wasn’t expecting that question….

Homer Simpson flashed through my mind, when in one episode He and Marge are spying on Flanders house from a bush the other side of the road in the early morning when the postman turns up and puts a letter through Flanders’ post box and Homer stands up and says to himself  “Hey, I could do that job”

“Errrrrr.....Not quite” I replied to sister

We continued chatting then bade farewell in a mixture of Spanish/French and English or ‘SPENGCH’ as I like to call it.

"Tsskk I knew I left my window open"

Nice Info 1:

1 year’s bike hire €27

Buses throughout the Alpes-Maritime = 1€ one-way.

That includes all journeys from 1 minute to of 1 hours (couldn’t find the button for half)

One problem I find is the disparity between what you can get, and the price of a beer.


1 beer (pint) = €7
2 bottles of wine, a large pizza and two cans of sausages and beans = €7

Beer is expensive here as the guide books say.


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