Tuesday, October 16

Why is the café au lait the same Price at all the bars in Nice?

€2.80 café au lait. I would have thought someone would have tried to be a little adventurous and put it at say €2.50, but Non! €2.80 everywhere, except the language school where I go where its €0.50.

It’s the same with a small beer. €2.50 pretty much everywhere so why doesn’t someone put their prices down to €2? Even for a day. Strange. I will continue to investigate.

My waitress was rather petite

It works out the cheapest place for beer is MaNolans the Irish bar near the sea front where at happy hour its €3.90 a pint. Talking of happy hour, the last time I was in there watching a few minutes of the Ryder cup, I 
called the barman over and asked him..

“When does happy hour finish” as I pointed at my empty pint glass

“Five to eight” he said with an apologetic shrug as if to say youve missed it mate.

I looked at my watch, he was right, it was ten past eight. Damm it.

That’s weird, I thought as I made my way home on my bike, why not finish at eight? That bothered me for quite a while until I realised he was telling me the happy hour period.

My French lessons continue