Wednesday, October 24

The weather here continues to amaze with clear blue skies and warm weather . Nice just seems to miss all the bad weather by about 50 miles.

I have been taking a mental note of the demographics of the people here and as regards total foreigners which I would have to say don't seem to outnumber the locals rather like, say Malaga,Mallorca or London, I would say the following:

Total population 344,000 5th largest city in France

15% Foreigners -    80% Nth African
                             15%  English speaking (66% Irish, 37% English)
                               5%  Russian speaking

No Spanish
No Germans
A few Dutch and one Estonian.

Q: So how many English speakers are there here?

On my shopping list today is a salad bowl and a toilet seat, I will try not to get them mixed up in the middle of the night.

I was looking for a squeezer for my bucket and mop. You know the plastic bit at the top to wring the water out in. Unfortunately you cant buy just that bit you have to buy the whole new bucket and sqeezer. Bugger that.

Can you believe that I found one on my way home last night in a pile of rubbish!!!! Just the bit I wanted , no bucket just the sqeezer.

What next? a toilet seat?

"Thank you madame, I will take it"

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