Monday, October 15

The weekend bought some heavy rain. I have noticed that “Le Meteo” on French TV is pretty accurate. They forecasted wind then rain in the afternoon, and they were bang on.

Before the rain hit I thought it a good idea to give the car a bit of a run as it’s been standing idle for a week or so. After a bit of a cough and a start (and that was me) she burst into life and off and we headed into the interior of Alpes Maritime.

It wasn’t long before we were heading up the alongside the river Var Northwards towards the Alps. This soon turned into a valley which in tirn, turned into a spectacular , steep-sided gorge. I had been travelling 30 minutes and we were already well and truly into the hills and the shining Cote D'Azure could have been a million miles away.

It certainly felt it when I got out of the car for a coffee at a small village. It was freezing and I wished I had put on little more than just shorts and a T Shirt.

I decided to stop and come home as I didn’t want to get caught in the mad rush to get back down the mountain and I was right to do so as there was a Wood festival further up the valley.

Pierre's 7-Iron was a bit too much club

The heavens opened later on that evening and I decided to go do some shopping at Carrefour. What a mess the French supermarkets are. There was stuff all over the floor, half the tiles were missing, shelves half empty. 

It was as if someone had said the end of the world is neigh and there had been a mad rush to get provisions.

Massive queues too.

Ce la vie I thought.

"Bonjour .....Le aisle Sept est ouvert"

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