Monday, June 4

Sunday started with a quick run which ended up a longer run then wished for. Mad dogs and English men kept on coming to mind as I took another wrong turn in the 27ÂșC heat. After getting back I decided to take a trip to the flea market. Every Sunday there are 30 odd stalls selling all sorts of tat. I always wondered where all the bin fishing people sell their stuff. I ended up buying a hammer to hammer in tent pegs into rock hard ground. He started at 6 euros but I managed to claw him back to 3 euros. 

 It was a slow afternoon so I fiddled around with my loose front console, fnar fnar, on the R4. I am finding out that there are all sorts of different cars screwed into mine. It’s a right old Heinz 57 of a Renault 4. In France they are known as “Quatrelle” and in Spain they have a nick-name of “Quatro Latas”.

"The interior was a right bodge job"
In the evening I tuned into Spain V China and watched Spain scrape past China. I still can’t get over how Soldado wasn’t picked for the Spanish squad. I guess he was told to pick Torres by someone with a lot of money at stake.

"Yes that's right Soldado out and Torres plays"

Tomorrow I have decided to finish the, complicated and infuriating, re-registration of the car. I will have to drive to Cadiz again this time with the confirmation document of my Spanish ID number. Last time I went to register the car there I was unable to do so. Last time I handed over all the relevant documentation.

"Whats your Spanish ID number? " he said at the counter

"X23447733L" I said
He looked it up on his computer and sure enough all my details came up.

"Wheres your confirmation document?"

"I hadn't had one or needed one for 15 years, and in any case all the details are in front of you" I replied.

“Yes but you need to get a piece of paper saying that this is corresponds to you” he said

“Well here is my passport, you can check that they are the same” I said

“No you need to go to the Department of Foreigners and get this piece of paper”. He handed me a photocopy of the document needed.

Unbelievable but I bit my lip and said…

”OK where’s this office?”

“Just up the road…but its closed” he said

“What time does it open this afternoon?” I said

“It doesn’t” he said


I realised I wasn’t going to get any further and I would have to make another trip to Cadiz whatever.

I wandered up to the Department of Foreigners and it was still open!! Well it wasn’t but I barged in.

“I have been told by the department of Traffic that I need ‘This’ Document” I showed him the photocopy of the document that Traffico had given me.

“This doesn’t exist anymore” he said

For Christ’s sake I thought.

“You have to go to the Comissaria de Policia and get a confirmation document of your Spanish ID from them”

“And where are they?” I asked

“Well as you live in Jerez, you have to go to the Comissaria in Jerez.” He said


Well that’s what I did last week. They were very helpful and I got the piece of paper after having to go to the bank to pay a tax to get it done? I know I couldn’t figure that one out either, but apparently it has to be paid.

I picked up the certificate on Friday so I am ready to go and get it all finally sorted.

On my way to Cadiz to re-register the car

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