Monday, June 18

Little did I know

I was at the library again and trying to get stuff done before the horse parade at midday, I managed to get out and just miss it so a little stop at La Moderna, was in order. It was packed and there were people spilling outside chatting and sipping away enjoying the sun.

Singing Juice

It wasn’t before long that from inside I heard the dulcet tones of a flamenco singer.  I made my way inside and there was little crew at the back of the bar listening to a couple of guys singing. The smaller guy was the best by far, but funnily enough didn’t look like a singer. I chatted to his manager, with manager speak, and it turns out he has been all over the world singing…and you could believe it when he emitted such a strong voice from small frame.

"...and she had claws like this"

It wasn’t too long before we had all moved on and into Plaza Arenal where we met small guy’s cousin who had obviously started drinking a little before us. 

We were holding him up
Our two groups joined and more singing. In our group was a well-dressed Gypsy woman who had a fascinating story of her life which revolved around her marrying a guy from the other gypsy barrio and all the repercussions. She was from Barrio Santiago and he was from Barrio San Miguel, which are the two main gypsy Barrios of Jerez and fierce rivals primarily in Flamenco. It was amazing how close her story mimicked Romeo and Juliet, except she is alive.

"And then I shot him..."

We ditched some of the stragglers and moved to another bar on the opposite side of Plaza de Arenal. I like the fact that you don’t have to get a taxi, although walking in flip-flops and carrying a laptop around all day was a pain and a taxi wouldn’t have gone a miss.

Plaza Arenal

A handful of us decided to go to a flamenco rock fusion concert and it was packed. I don’t know whether I liked the music, it was a good idea but it was like when you buy a sofa bed, sure you get a sofa and a bed but it’s a crappy sofa and a crappy bed.

Give me all your money......

I had had enough and my legs were knackered so I made my way home through the streets of Jerez at night, which were as busy as they were in the afternoon.

2am and the streets are still packed

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