Tuesday, June 12

Great news, new washing machine turning up on Friday. Well finally after 4 months I will be able to wash some clothes. I have taken the turning your pants inside out and upside down, to another level. I can’t tell anymore if what I am wearing is a shirt, a towel or the blanket I put under the car. I know my neighbours will be pleased but there is always a loser in all this and the flies that have been following me around will be sad. I know many by name now.

Me celebrating the news

Consequently my plans for a little away day this week have been scuppered. I will have to endure another week in Jerez. The good thing is I will be able to catch up on sleep especially on Friday at 7:45pm and next Tuesday also at 7:45pm. Thursday and Spain play again, I now have a Danish, Spanish and English T shirt to wear when one or t’other team are playing. Not only do I wear the relevant national T shirt when the team is playing but I also now partake in the national pastimes of each country whilst the team is playing. So whilst Denmark play I drink beer and eat sausages, whilst Spain play I drink beer and eat olives and whilst England play I drink beer and start a fight. Who would have thought that of my three teams the Danes would have the only win.

"No its all right girls..England,Denmark & Spain for me"

Christine News

She is up to her old tricks again. I got in the car yesterday morning and sure enough something was up. I couldn’t turn the ignition key. It was fine the night before,what the hell happens overnight with her??? (ed...sounds familiar) A few minutes later and a bit of fiddling about I managed to get her up and running (ed...sounds familiar)
Today the bracket that holds up the exhaust pipe needs fixing properly. The cable ties just aren’t going to work long term. A bit of touch up paint would go amiss either.

"Christine..........I am your father"


  1. Maybe Cristine is jealous of the washing machine..

  2. Sometimes I think Christine IS a washing machine
